What Does National Dog Day Have to do with Your Business?

By Brooke Ness

Happy National Dog Day!

What? You didn’t know that August 26, the day after the National Parks Service’s birthday, is National Dog Day? You’re not alone — but social media knows. It’s why your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds are likely filled with adorable puppies on that day.

We all know about Memorial Day, Labor Day, and even Presidents’ Day, but are you taking advantage of National Rat Catcher’s Day? Or National Hug a Plumber Day? These seemingly random holidays may feel like simply social media fun, but they present a huge opportunity to build your brand.

1. Promote a holiday related to your business.

Appliance repair companies should look at November 15: National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. Law firms, check out April 12: Be Kind to Lawyers Day! Whatever your business, there’s probably a holiday to celebrate – and capitalize on. Feature it on your social media, offer a one-day only coupon, or even throw a customer event to attract people to your location.

2. Pick a fun holiday and make it an office event.

Weird holidays can introduce your fans and followers to your fun team behind the brand. Have a pie party on International Pi Day (March 14, aka 3/14) or play a game on Scrabble Day (April 13). Whichever day you choose, let it unleash fun and engaging posts on your social media accounts.

3. Jump on the trend.

You’re just starting your day, and suddenly, you realize an obscure holiday is going viral. Jumping on the trend requires a team willing to drop everything to generate exciting content. Just be sure your message is relevant, and not a generic sales pitch with holiday hashtag at the end.

So take a peek at the National Day Calendar to pick out your next “holiday” promotion.

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