October 21, 2024

KROQ's morning show replaces Diddy photo at Mel's Hollywood

Thanks to KROQ’s Klein.Ally.Show, Mel’s Drive-In Diner in Hollywood has a new photo proudly displayed at the front doors of their iconic Hollywood location. After the manager of Mel’s Hollywood removed two photos of Diddy from their celebrity wall earlier this week, Klein and Ally decided to do what they do best: replace someone far more famous at the request of no one.

Klein.Ally.Show called Mel’s and offered to drop off a signed, framed photo to replace Diddy’s coveted spot by the entrance. 

“We want to give Mel’s the opportunity to replace Diddy with someone who hasn’t been canceled (yet)” said Klein. 

The manager agreed, and if you stop by Mel’s Hollywood you’ll see Klein & Ally’s smiling faces, probably judging your food order.

Hear the call HERE!

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