Radio Advertising: 5 Things to Know
What do folks at Audacy wish more people knew about radio and radio advertising? Here are some of their best tips.
1. “Radio reaches more people, more often, more efficiently than any other media. While it is a mass media, it allows the advertiser to connect one-to-one with listeners who are emotionally tied to their favorite station. What a great environment to have your advertising placed! Oh! Radio delivers a 10:1 ROI on your investment.” – Mike Donovan, Milwaukee
2. “We live where you live, we shop where you shop, we play where you play, and we want our community to succeed – that includes your business. We are invested in our communities, so we will never take our relationship with you for granted.” – Katherine Ide, Corporate
3. “Contrary to popular opinion, Radio has a much higher reach than TV. With the explosion of cord cutting, and time shifted TV, adding radio to any marketing campaign provides needed reach, and measurable Return on Investment.” – Michael Doyle, Regional President
4. “Radio engages users via an emotional connection that is unlike any other media. That’s why people have favorite stations, and we have P1 users. It’s not just an audience. It’s our fan base! Radio is the #1, real time, mass reach media option for marketers, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday… when people are out buying stuff!!” – Greg Pendergrass, Greensboro
5. “Radio is the #1 medium for reaching consumers outside their homes.” – Cheri Pridgen Grinnan, Norfolk