The ROI For Audio is Real

By Idil Cakim, SVP, Research & Insights, Audacy

There has never been a more critical need for nimble media strategies that smartly engage audiences who are experiencing heightened emotions and changing behaviors as they adapt to a ‘new normal.’ With budgets under more scrutiny than ever before, it’s equally crucial that every advertising investment produce tangible and measurable results for businesses. Amid this, advertisers continue to covet Audio’s capability to deliver mass reach and strong listener engagement. And now, more than ever, they are embracing the medium’s ability to deliver demonstrative and provable conversion too.

Our attribution solution is improving traditional audio measurement tactics by providing clear insights into the metrics that matter: Impact on sales and web conversions among others. Coupling Audacy’s first-party offline and digital listener data with advanced technology, Audacy is able to deliver more accurate views into campaign performance by measuring ad-exposed audiences that navigate to advertiser’s websites and convert to online purchases. Our process starts by putting together an audience driven mix of audio assets that matter for our advertising partners and then continues with optimization of the campaigns to ensure impressions are delivered at moments that yield the best results. Our proprietary technology allows us to connect the dots between audio advertising exposure and sales conversions, across devices.


  • Utilizes more accurate targeting to generate incremental lift in sales across OTA and digital platforms
  • Leverages pixel-based measurement to capture conversions from exposure to check-out
advanced audio device

Here are some examples of advertisers utilizing attribution for exceptional campaign performance across OTA and digital channels.

Acquiring New Subscribers For An E-Learning Platform

Recent shelter-in-place requirements have caused a shift in boundaries. People are balancing a mix of activities that include work, learning and new hobbies. For some companies — like this e-learning platform — it has created a unique opportunity to build its customer base. With streaming audio consumption soaring1, Audacy was the ideal partner to reach a highly engaged adult audience. The team designed a program to target the right audiences and capture their actions as they converted into customers. The national campaign generated a 49% incremental lift in new account creation and 38% lift in subscriptions.  This performance is attributed to both Audacy’s relevant reach and attribution’s ability to swiftly transform listeners to shoppers and buyers.


Driving Sales For A Health And Beauty Brand

A skincare retailer saw a significant return on their advertising investment through a digital campaign designed to remind women about the importance of self-care while in quarantine. Leveraging Audacy’s connectivity with this highly targeted segment, the team ran a 6-week, in-app audio campaign over March and April, targeting women 25-34, with HHI of $75K in large metropolitan areas. The campaign drove 180,000 site visits and directly generated more than 2,600 online orders. Tracking performance through Attribution, the campaign yielded $2.67 return on ad-spend. 


Driving Leads For a Lawn Care Brand

As Spring approached, a lawn care brand had an increased sense of urgency to reach its customers during their prime season- which now fell in the midst of the crisis. The advertiser’s traditional method of drawing customers through vanity phone numbers was lagging in results. The Audacy team put together a total audience plan that included both OTA and digital components. The OTA spots generated a 19% lift in user sessions on the brand site. The comprehensive audio campaign drove nearly 90,000 users to their site and converted 2,700 into qualified leads. The campaign also reduced the cost per lead by 42% from the brand’s target.

lawn care

Audio attribution ensures a path to success for advertisers. In a time when marketers are under unprecedented pressure to spend efficiently and effectively, audio rises to the task as the ideal solution. Smart analytical tools and measurement take the guesswork out of marketing as campaigns can now provide proof of performance, showcasing strong conversion driven by radio and streaming audiences. As the country prepares to re-open, advertisers need to keep their finger on the pulse, gauge success and remain nimble. Audio attribution measurement delivers insights advertisers need to compare in-store vs online success, vet creative and optimize towards geographic areas that will yield results.

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