Podcast Super Fans Are Super Spenders
Think all podcast audiences are created equal? Think again. Super listeners are fueling podcasting’s strong returns for marketers.
Fans who tune in for more than eight hours per week are far more likely to engage with brands that advertise on their favorite podcast shows — visiting advertisers’ websites and stores, researching products, and making purchases.

As the Podcast Audience Expands, Fans Grow Even More Invested
If you’ve heard the podcast boom is fizzling, let’s set the record straight: Not only are podcasts thriving, but the biggest fans are consuming more content than ever before, and new listeners are discovering fresh shows and hosts. Podcast listening has increased fivefold in the last decade, and podcasts now account for nearly 20% of all time spent with audio daily1.
As marketers search for more effective ways to reach consumers, podcasts offer a rare direct line to them. While social media users scroll away and TV audiences tune out during commercial breaks, podcast listeners are fully engaged. Podcasts are “me” time—whether through earbuds, smart speakers, or in the car — fans form a deep, one-to-one connection with their favorite content. That intimacy and attentiveness are difficult to replicate in today’s oversaturated media landscape.
Super fans of podcasting’s most popular genres are the most likely to engage with brand marketers. That includes true crime series, and rewatch series like Severance. Heavy listeners tune into comedies like Fly on the Wall to lighten the mood and dive into news and information series from Search Engine to History That Doesn’t Suck.

Opportunity to Reach Frequent Listeners Continue to Grow
As listeners become more familiar with the medium, they spend more time listening . Nearly a third of audiences who started listening more than four years ago are heavy podcast listeners now2.
This kind of fandom is a major win for brands as heavy listeners embrace podcast ads with positivity. 76% say that ads in podcasts make them aware of new products and services and 57% say they’re likely to buy from companies that sponsor podcasts they listen to3.
As podcast consumption continues to increase and more listeners deepen their engagement with podcasts, brands have the opportunity to build authentic connections and drive success. They offer advertisers unrivaled credibility and authenticity throughout the consumer journey, from awareness to conversion and long-term loyalty.
Want to talk more about reaching your target audience?
Let´s Talk1 Edison Research, Share of Ear, 2024 (1Q-4Q ‘24 average); Ad-supported Audio platforms only and excludes Music on YouTube; A18+
2 US Podcast Report 2024, Triton Podcast Metrics Demos+ survey data Q4’23 – Q3’24. Sample of 12,000 monthly podcast listeners, aged 18+
3 2024 October Podcast Study (SP 24USA)